7 tips for men who are stuck between wife and mother in a joint family


7 tips for men who are stuck between wife and mother in a joint family

How do you deal with your wife and your parents? How can you balance being a wife and a mother? What person do you go with? So, no one is the correct response. Now, being in this circumstance might be difficult. People will frequently encourage you to support the powerful, caring lady who helped you become the guy you are now rather than the other person. Then there are those who would undoubtedly call you a mama's boy, bug you and complain about how independent you are and how normal sentimentality is unjust for a guy.

Given your current situation, the third group will advise you to buy a lot of baby oil, while the other two will advocate for diplomacy. You're frequently asked which is more important—the wife or the mother. The majority of the time, you lack an answer. Any male who lives in a blended family would have experienced emotional stress when issues occur between his wife and his mother.

You have always been a devoted spouse to your wife and a kind and considerate son. You become a popular place for complaint and emotional venting at a time when tensions are high. The man between the wife and the mother is supposed to be you. When two women share a home, even seemingly insignificant disputes can balloon immensely with or without your help. Women's energy will not be easy to control.

7 tips for men who are stuck between wife and mother in a joint family

How To Balance Between Wife And Mother

How do you maintain a balance between your mother and your wife? Why is managing your wife and parents after you get married so challenging? If you have both of them staying in the same house, then such thoughts must be going through your head. The values and customs of the household that young girls were married into were taught to them under careful control of severe mothers-in-law in the past.

But today's women have jobs, are educated, and bring their own set of morals to their new home. As a result, disagreements between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are necessary. Here are some suggestions on how to handle arguments between a wife and a mother if you and your spouse are living together and trying to travel this difficult area.

1. Understand it is very personal to both

 It is important to realize that "My mother and wife don't get along" and "How do I solve problems between wife and mother" are highly personal issues. If these thoughts are continuously running through your head, let us assist you. While your wife has come to live with you and started a family, your mother has fostered you. From their individual views, both women are correct.

After marriage, life changes. Priorities shift. You now have a wife. Even if you might want to support her in every situation, keep in mind that your mother is also going through a significant transformation as a result of this. Your wife recently relocated to a brand-new house where she doesn't know anyone. In the house she has spent decades building, your mother is observing changes. Their emotions are running high for both of them.

Choosing between being a mother and a wife is not at issue. Diplomacy is also not involved. It is important to have empathy for both women, who play important roles in your life. Both of them take a personal interest in it. It could be annoying for you to have to deal with the drama all the time, but you should put yourself in their position and try to diffuse the situation.

2. Pre-marriage plan

Upon becoming your bride, she intends to relocate to live with you and your family. You are aware that your wife's family may not get along. So, before getting married, get to know your partner. Learn more about your future wife and observe how well she fits into your family. Engage your future wife in domestic duties well in advance of the big day. Include your mum as well. It's important to express your feelings to both women.

The fear that she will lose you to another woman and lose her place as your life's most important person is the source of any emotions your traditional mother may experience.  You do need to ease your mother into this arrangement, even though you are your own person and can have more than one significant person in your life. Tell her what you believe is essential to her. Give the women some time to themselves. Let them get to know one another. Let them make their own decisions. Your life will become much simpler if they are able to fully trust one another. You'll be able to strike a balance between your mother and your wife.

3. Settle cooking wars

 important battleground is the kitchen. And you're frequently questioned if the wife or the mother is more crucial in the kitchen. When it comes to food, many husbands find themselves having to decide between their wife and mother. It's likely that someone will ask "Who is the better cook?" at some point. Women who live in traditional joint families frequently spend a lot of time in the kitchen and take great satisfaction in their productivity, culinary abilities, and household management. Even if she works, your wife probably still prepares dinner for the family every other night.

It is rare that issues will emerge if your wife, mother, or both of you enjoy cooking, or if you are one of those couples that enjoy cooking together. If you simply help out in the kitchen every day, you can avoid arguments in the dining room. You can quickly satisfy any objection from your mum. Your mother can accuse your wife of not contributing enough if she has the traditional view that a woman should put her family before her work. It is up to you to demonstrate to her your progressive side by performing your fair share of the household duties. In this manner, everyone completes their tasks and harmony returns.

4. Don't allow people to complain.

We need you to be at ease. Your mother is one. Your wife is the other. When someone complains, keep in mind that not everything needs to be fixed all the time. When your wife complains that your mother "always picks fights," don't respond with "I'll talk to her." Even if you love them both, they are adults. You will run out of patience and lose your calm if you encourage one person to moan about the other. 

Imagine hearing statements like "Your wife was doing this and that" or "Your mother is so and so." Pay attention to their venting, but avoid doing it frequently. If you feel the onslaught of complaints really striking you, you might also excuse yourself. It's fine to let them settle it among themselves. You are not required to always mediate arguments between your mother and wife. They should resolve matters on their own because they are adults. Only intervene if someone has actually crossed a line.

5. Avoid from targeting people in sequence.

Managing my wife and parents is a challenge. and "My mother and wife have a strained relationship. We're certain that you've wondered, "What do I do?," at some point. After all, there are strategies for handling your wife's parents. They will be motivated to do the same if you Hulk out on the one in front of them. You cannot become enraged with one of them when you are caught between a rock and a hard place. When you are not around, what you say and how you say it will influence what they say and do.

6. Set aside time to spend with your mum.

It is because she is starting to feel slighted by you that your mother is micromanaging everything after your marriage and is unwilling to let go of you, which naturally irritates your wife. Make time for her and ease her into the environment. I think it would be good to take her out to supper. But when you're out, try not to whine about your wife. It's to let your mother know how much you care about her and that nothing has changed. These kinds of small actions can reassure her and help you better balance your roles as a mother and wife. 

7. I love the color neutrality.

Instead of attempting to quiet down everyone when there is a lot of shouting, yelling, and screaming, remind them to act like responsible adults and handle things on their own. Make it obvious to them that you cannot constantly be there to arbitrate between the two and ask them to interact with each other in a courteous manner. You can't always stand in for your wife and your mother.


We hope that by this point, you have some notion of how to handle parents and wives after marriage and how to resolve issues between wives and mothers. Although it won't be simple, the work is definitely achievable. Dealing with this connection is complicated. Your patience and composure will help them to understand that your connection with your wife does not pose a threat to your relationship with your mother. But given the emotions and conditioning involved, making the adjustment can be challenging. Don't worry, though. You can balance being a wife and a mother with ease if you use the advice above. We wish a quick solution to your dilemma of choosing between being a bride and a mother!

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